6th Grade Resources

One of the core values at FLA is allowing families the freedom to create a homeschool experience that is unique and based on their children's interest, learning styles, giftings, and values.  We always encourage parents to plan and use resources that work best for them.  We do not mandate or oversee your curriculum choices, subjects taught, or how you structure your homeschool outside of tutorial.

At the same time, we exist to support families in their homeschooling journey.  While our hands-off approach works for many, we also recognize that sometimes guidance can be helpful, especially in the first few years of homeschooling.  We have developed the following suggestions based on our years of homeschooling experience.

The schedule and recommended curriculums are not requirements; they are simply meant as a starting point for you as you plan your homeschool days.  Please feel free to adjust and modify any way that works better for your family!

Sample Daily Schedule:

Bible - 9:00 am - 9:40 am  

Language Arts  - 9:45 am - 10:35 am  

Math - 10:35 am - 11:15 am  

History - 11:20 am - 12:00 pm  

Lunch / Break - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Other Elective - 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

Read - additional 30 minutes anytime

**We recommend at least 45 minutes per day be spent on Language Arts, Math, and History.   Other electives include art, foreign language, nature study, music, coding, additional science exploration or any other topic your family has an interest in!  Sports and music lessons also count!  Feel free to add as desired.**